month I'd like to share with you some tips to help maintain good eating habits and avoid upset stomachs, and sickness from
over eating or eating the foods that are unhealthy, especially if you are dealing with a physical ailment and conditions
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
Eat in moderation:
body can only handle so much intake of food. While it may taste good, and your mind is telling you that you want
more, your physical body will give signals and symptoms of when enough is enough!
Learn to say "no thank you."
Eat early in the day:
those late dinners, snacks and trips to the refrigerator after hours. Give your body the opportunity to digest the foods
that you've eaten early, so that you can rest peacefully at night. Most foods take a minimum of 2-4 hours to be properly
digested, some meats may take longer.
What looks good, may not be good for you!
sweets, especially confections with a lot of sugar,caffeine,chocolate,and spicy foods; will give you the blues later, from
bloating, indigestion, high sugar levels, headaches, heartburn and toothaches are just some of the symptoms from eating too
much of a good thing!
Avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol:
some may believe that "a little wine for the stomach sake" is ok, many people don't use restraint, The Word also says, "wine
is a mocker, and strong drink is raging." Keep the "spirits" out of your holiday beverages and make or drink something
that won't give you a "hang-over, headache, or make you sick at the stomach."
wise in what you eat, "live long and prosper!"